So… What is There to Do Around Here?

KSD was asked to help answer that question for potential visitors to the Lake Cumberland region in Kentucky. Over the winter months KSD launched two newly redesigned tourism websites, one for the City of Somerset and one for the Somerset-Pulaski County Convention and Visitors Bureau.

The two organizations are separate entities, but work in cooperation toward the goal of promoting the area. The City of Somerset Tourism’s website was first to launch with a focus on the recent growth in the downtown entertainment district. The project follows the development of a city wayfinding signage program designed by KSD.

The redesign of the county’s website began shortly after the city’s site launch and showcases a wider scope of attractions beyond the city limits. This site also features a detailed listing of lodging options, a feature that references as a resource.

Both sites are fully responsive for mobile and desktop viewing, and built on content management systems to allow staff to make event and content updates as needed. KSD worked with existing photography and brand assets provided by each organization.
