

Brand development / strategy
Web development / design
Corporate video


How do we catalyze the essential global energy storage market?

Specialty chemical manufacturer Hammond Group innovates and manufactures key performance additives for batteries aimed at the worldwide energy storage market. Working closely with the leadership of this global manufacturer, KSD developed a unified brand platform and communications strategy.


How do we catalyze the essential global energy storage market?


Specialty Chemicals


Brand development / strategy
Web development / design
Corporate video

Specialty chemical manufacturer Hammond Group innovates and manufactures key performance additives for batteries aimed at the worldwide energy storage market. Working closely with the leadership of this global manufacturer, KSD developed a unified brand platform and communications strategy.

Man being interviewed by camera crew.

KSD produced a number of videos as part of the updated branding efforts. Developing a growing collection of videos that range from the introduction of groundbreaking new products to expanding on their business philosophy, we thoughtfully edit and produce a final product that tells their story of leadership, innovation and teamwork within the battery industry.

Treated Sure Cure logo
Design drawing of proposed Hammond Group trade show display.

Trade show booth design mockup promoting a new product (above) and a finished booth at the European Lead Battery Conference in Milan, Italy  (below).

Branded trade show booth with group of people talking

KSD offers skilled, experienced photography services to support our client's goals. We're able to produce high quality photography in challenging environments, such as manufacturing facilities where it's crucial to work fast and stay out of the way.

Men in lab coats working with batteries and testing equipment.
Glass crucible with white powder.
Close up of man looking at powdered chemical in lab vile.
Man at computer screen showing microcopic images of chemical particles.
Computer in office displaying Hammond Group website.

KSD redesigned the Hammond Group website to better reflect their status as a global leader in battery technology and innovation, including securing a better URL "hammondglobal.com"

A selection of advertisements in indutry trade magazines.